Crispy Bacon: corporate values ​​and corporate well-being

“Crispy Bacon” is a software development company that has grown a lot in recent years, opening new offices in Italy and abroad. For Crispy, the motivation and well-being of the team has always been based on shared values ​​and for this reason the founders have entrusted us with the task of rediscovering and spreading the founding values ​​that have guided people in these years of strong development.

Objective: not to dilute the guiding principles that have supported collaboration between people and business growth.

“Coding the DNA” of a successful company is always a complex and stimulating operation. We addressed it starting from some focus groups, thanks to which we discovered and outlined the main elements that united people. We therefore defined a real “charter of values” which was submitted and voted on by the entire worldwide team through a specific survey. The result was a strong and convincing distillation, communicated internally in an innovative way and capable of aligning behaviors within the company.

Linking the promotion of the well-being and involvement of collaborators with aspects such as the values ​​and purpose of the company is a winning idea because it enhances the emotional aspects, which are increasingly important for the new generations.

Pietro Fiorentini: integrated strategy to promote wellbeing

Pietro Fiorentini is an important group with a multinational presence, active in various sectors linked to the energy transition.

The wellbeing program called “People Fuel” was born as a concrete commitment by the company to promote the well-being and involvement of its collaborators. After verifying needs and priorities with a specific internal survey, we helped the company organize a series of events aimed at involving managers and collaborators in the new initiative. It was therefore the turn to raise awareness through classroom and outdoor training courses and therefore to create new services such as balanced menus in the various company restaurants. Great attention has always been paid to the internal communication of the program, thanks to which People Fuel, a name created ad hoc, has become the container that contains all the initiatives designed to promote personal and professional development, well-being and involvement.

Corporate wellbeing has therefore become one of Pietro Fiorentini’s “best practices”, inserted into organizational processes and integrated with the company’s social sustainability and employer branding activities.

Terranova Software: why wellbeing and sustainability always go together

Terranova Software is a relevant Italian company in the world of IT that takes sustainability very seriously. In fact, it has obtained important certifications, produces products with low environmental impact and reports its commitment regularly through the sustainability report. Our contribution to the organizational and personal sustainability of Terranova Software collaborators concerns participation in the “Graphene” corporate training program. This is a path designed to support the team’s levels of energy, resilience and individual well-being through a series of awareness-raising meetings.

Those who deal with IT spend many hours in front of a PC: with the use of online tests, classroom training and video contributions we have shared useful notions and advice for improving one’s physical, psychological and relational well-being. Our latest contribution in chronological order, an interesting in-depth analysis of neuroscience and the growing impact it will have on everyone’s life in the years to come.

Our contact person for the project said:

“We are very satisfied with Blumantra’s work.
They are high-level professionals, capable of passionately transmitting their knowledge and experience. One of their strong points is the high level of customization of the service, with a staff constantly present who followed us in all phases of the activities carried out.
In our project dedicated to the development of people wellbeing in the company, Blumantra provided us with valuable information and its trainers were able to understand the eating habits of our collaborators, helping them to identify strengths and critical points.”

Lara Cortese, Human Resources Manager

OZ Racing: is corporate welfare only for large multinationals?

OZ Racing is a leading Italian company in the design and production of alloy wheels intended for the world of competition and high-end vehicles. It is not a large multinational, but a medium-sized company attentive to the needs and well-being of its collaborators. For this reason we had the pleasure of collaborating with the OZ team, made up of both white and blue collar workers, to internally promote psycho-physical well-being and involvement.

After having created internal communication support for the launch of the program, we analyzed the services offered to collaborators, highlighting some important opportunities for intervention. To create awareness before further developing the service offering, the company has appropriately dedicated a few days to raising people’s awareness with meetings on Energy and Balance, Balanced Nutrition, Physical Movement, Positive Mental Attitude, Stress Management and Counteracting smoking habits with the contribution of psychologists, personal trainers and Blumantra nutritionists.

Our internal contact, when asked about the project, declared:

“Investing in the welfare, well-being and health of your collaborators is not only right from an ethical-social point of view but also generates an economic return for the company which many studies on the topic have now established. A strategic lever to improve organizational well-being and economic performance.
We always talk about working in a team, retaining talent, having a goal, managing generational turnover, motivating people but concepts such as stress management, resilience, attention, memory, empathy, calm and awareness must equally become mantras for directors HR today.
Personally, I had excellent feedback in this regard with the Blumantra staff!”

Romano Reffo, HR & Safety Manager

Confindustria: when associations lead by example.

This is one of the first projects for the promotion of well-being in the company in which we have been involved and we have reported it to demonstrate how, even in this area, an association can contribute to corporate culture.

Confindustria Vicenza is one of the main branches of this important employers’ association which with this initiative aimed to raise awareness among member companies through the concrete example of what they could do in their reality.

After an analysis of needs through questionnaires, training sessions began to inform 100 collaborators of the 4 Confindustria offices in Vicenza on how to eat correctly and consciously. The project also included the customization of the “break” spaces and vending machines, with information material to guide choices towards drinks and snacks with lower salt and sugar content. As a tangible sign of the company’s commitment, employees were also offered agreements with the nutritionist and lots of fresh fruit available free of charge in the offices.

UniCredit: The value of partnerships.

UniCredit is one of the most important Italian companies, which has long been committed to creating a working environment in which everyone has the opportunity to be successful and cultivate their well-being. Our participation in the “Well-Being” project saw us involved in two aspects: the selection of partners who could enrich the program with contents relating to wellbeing of the highest quality; the internal communication of such contents, supporting the company team in the delicate task of reaching and motivating the thousands of colleagues spread across Italy.

The partners we helped select enriched the “Well-Being” program with tests, notions and examples in the fields of physical, emotional-cognitive and social well-being, making a project that remains unique in its kind even more effective.

GEOX: testimonial and ambassador to involve colleagues.

The distinctive feature of the project curated for Geox was the participation of internal testimonials and ambassadors. In fact, this large company could count on the presence, among its collaborators, of internationally renowned athletes who we asked to explain the advantages of an active life to their colleagues. In a series of events that we organised, the testimonials and our specialists trained and motivated the many people from the company who attended by talking about active living, medical prevention and balanced nutrition. Another idea that proved successful was involving some employees as “wellbeing ambassadors”, again to inform, motivate and involve colleagues.

In defining the integrated wellbeing plan, the calculation of the return on investment in wellbeing services and the connection with the company’s mission and values ​​also proved to be very useful.

Banco BPM: health and safety training.

Banco BPM is one of the main Italian banking groups with a solid tradition of widespread and quality training.

The project in which we were involved included the main training centers of the group throughout the national territory and had as its focus the promotion of a functional food culture to promote the health and safety of collaborators. Our team of nutritionists has created a personalized program with classroom sessions on the main aspects of balanced nutrition and how it can make the immune system more effective, contributing to the prevention of disorders and pathologies. In addition to classroom training, the company also completed the program by creating illustrative material that included the most important concepts of the training and which was therefore distributed to the main Italian offices.

NIKE 360: training and team building in a single engaging experience!


We really liked this project because it was able to involve the Nike 360 ​​team in an unforgettable experience. After having analyzed and understood the well-being priorities of the collaborators, we designed for them two days full of surprises and emotions at the Technogym Village.

Guided training, balanced nutrition, yoga, breathing techniques, team cooking and interactive workshops involved everyone at 360 degrees. After this experience, the team wanted to make some of the activities experienced continuous within the company and many declared that they had adopted a healthier and more active lifestyle. The services offered by the company to its collaborators were therefore enhanced through the creation of information material, also useful in selection interviews.

The manager who was our contact person for the project gave us this testimony:

“This is one of the best learning experiences I’ve had in the last 20 years!”

Amanda Tucker, General Manager Footwear at Nike